The Power of Rest and Relaxation
Relaxation is our natural state of being.
As we move through life though, we gather… we gather tension, tightness, stress, thoughts, emotions... and all of these things take us away from our natural state of being and our ability to experience deep relaxation.
We learn to identify with the stress, the holding, the discomfort, instead of the openness, spaciousness, ease and grace within us.
What I have learned is that we can undo these habitual patterns.
I’d like to support a revolution of relaxation where we all take more time for deep, conscious relaxation and rest to rejuvenate, replenish and build resiliency.
Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths…. with every exhale invite your forehead to relax, your cheeks and jaw to soften, your shoulders to gently move away from your ears.
Take a few more deep breaths and relax through the heart centre.. soften your abdomen.
Notice how this feels to let go and move into your breath; to bring more awareness to your feel more relaxed and present.
To simply BE.
I invite you to welcome in relaxation and with that rejuvenation and resilience.
If you are looking for learning more about rest, relaxation and replenishment, join me for my weekly Relaxation and Yoga Nidra class on Thursday mornings. You can read more by clicking here.